Hello business....
Hai. Assamualaikum. Today I just wanna type something in my head. It is about the stability and survival of a business. How long it can be? Either less than 5 years or more than 5 years. Actually it is depend on the type of business. In my opinion, the bigger the business, the bigger the responsibility. I have a few friends doing variety of business. Some business are set up for profit only, and some business are set up to benefit people around which mean the owner will not rich alone. There are a lot of young entrepreneur making such a successful business like cosmetic, food, interior, and fashion. I believe that they are struggling working hard to change their life. I rather to say this one, "making business is not simple like ABC, it need your extra common sense and the sense of humanity". Yes, I do have a lot of friends who still struggling making business, and some are give up already. Most of this give up friends which who is only focusing to be rich and mi...